499 items tagged “security”
In the long term, I want to replace JavaScript and the DOM with a smarter, safer design. In the medium term, I want to use something like Google Gears to give us vats with which we can have safe mashups. But in the short term, I recommend that you be using Firefox with No Script. Until we get things right, it seems to be the best we can do.
A Roundup Of Leopard Security Features (via) Thomas Ptacek’s overview of the new security features in Leopard. Guest Accounts are worthless from a security P.O.V., but I still plan to use one for our PowerBook that’s now just a media player.
Django security fix released. Django’s internationalisation system has a denial of service hole in it; you’re vulnerable if you are using the i18n middleware. Fixes have been made available for trunk, 0.96, 0.95 and 0.91.
Site-specific browsers and GreaseKit. New site-specific browser tool which lets you include a bunch of Greasemonkey scripts. For me, the killer feature of site-specific browsers is still cookie isolation (to minimise the impact of XSS and CSRF holes) but none of the current batch of tools advertise this as a feature, and most seem to want to share the system-wide cookie jar.
A school in the UK is using RFID chips in school uniforms to track attendance. So now it's easy to cut class; just ask someone to carry your shirt around the building while you're elsewhere.
MyOpenID adds Information Card Support. First client SSL certificates, now Information Cards. MyOpenID is certainly taking browser-based phishing solutions seriously.
Historically, Internet companies have rarely encrypted passwords to aid customer service.
Gozi Trojan. The full security paper on the Gozi trojan: how it was discovered, how it was traced and details of the “customer interface for on-line purchases of stolen data” at the other end (which, incidentally, was ridden with security holes).
Global Hackers Create a New Online Crime Economy (via) Fascinating, detailed look at the evolution of the hacker service economy. Of particular interest: a web application that sells access to hacked machines to identity thieves on a timeshare basis.
Two months with Ruby on Rails. Good rant—covers both the good and the bad. The first complaint is the lack of XSS protection by default in the template language. Django has the same problem, but the solution was 90% there when I saw Malcolm at OSCON.
The Storm Worm. Bruce Schneier describes the Storm Worm, a fantastically advanced piece of malware that’s been spreading for nearly a year and is proving almost impossible to combat. Its effects are virtually invisible but infected machines are added to a multi-million machine botnet apparently controlled by anonymous Russian hackers.
Rails 1.2.4: Maintenance release. “Session fixation attacks are mitigated by removing support for URL-based sessions”—I’ve always hated URL-based sessions; I’d be interested to hear if their removal from Rails causes legitimate problems for anyone.
Amazon makes you lie to log off (via) Amazingly, the only way to sign out of Amazon these days is to use the “If you’re not XXX, click here” link—the traditional “sign out” link has quietly vanished.
Cronto. I saw a demo of this the other day—it’s a neat anti-phishing scheme that also protects against man in the middle attacks. It works using challenge/response: an image is shown which embeds a signed transaction code; the user then uses an application on their laptop or mobile phone to decode the image and enters the resulting code back in to the online application.
Designing for a security breach
User account breaches are inevitable. We should take that in to account when designing our applications.
[... 545 words]Currently WebRunner applications share cookies with other WebRunner applications, but not with Firefox. WebRunner uses its own profile, not Firefox's profile. There is a plan to allow WebRunner applications to create their own, private profiles as well.
WebRunner 0.7—New and Improved. A simple application for running a site-specific browser for a service (e.g. Twitter, Gmail etc). This is a great idea: it isolates your other browser windows from crashes and also isolates your cookies, helping guard against CSRF attacks.
Google GMail E-mail Hijack Technique. Apparently Gmail has a CSRF vulnerability that lets malicious sites add new filters to your filter list—meaning an attacker could add a rule that forwards all messages to them without your knowledge.
A typical phishing email will have a generic greeting, such as 'Dear User'. Note: All PayPal emails will greet you by your first and last name.
HTTPOnly cookie support in Firefox. Five years after the bug was filed, HTTPOnly cookie support has gone in to the Mozilla 1.8 branch. This is a defence in depth feature that has been in IE for years—it lets you set cookies that aren’t available to JavaScript, and hence can’t be hijacked in the event of an XSS flaw.
E-Voting Ballots Not Secret; Vendors Don’t See Problem. “You know things are bad when questions about a technical matter like security are answered by a public-relations firm.”
VeriSign’s SeatBelt OpenID plugin for Firefox. The first good example of browser integration for OpenID. It catches phishing attempts by watching out for rogue OpenID consumers that don’t redirect to the right place.
Bruce Schneier interviews Kip Hawley. The head of the Transportation Security Administration in conversation with one of his most eloquent critics.
DNS Pinning Explained. With diagrams.
(somewhat) breaking the same-origin policy by undermining dns-pinning. This is the best technical explanation of the DNS rebinding attack I’ve seen. The linked demo worked for me in Safari but not in Camino.
Your browser is a tcp/ip relay. Thoroughly nasty new(ish) attack that breaks the same-domain policy and allows intranet content to be stolen by a malicious site. Using virtual hosts (hence requiring the Host: header) is the best known protection.
Side-Channel Attacks and Security Theatre. “In order to mount most of these attacks the attacker must be local [...] every good security person knows that if your attacker has the ability to run stuff on your machine, it is game over, so why are we even caring about these attacks?”
E-Trade financial tried using a RSA fob as a second factor of authentication, but as of their 11/07/06 financial report their fraud losses continue to increase. That said, they considered this program a success because users indicated they feel safer and are more likely to provide assets.
CSRF Redirector. Smart tool for testing CSRF vulnerabilities, by Chris Shiflett.
Anyone who recently downloaded GreaseMonkey scripts from userscripts.org should check their scripts. I haven’t confirmed this, but this Jyte claim suggests that userscripts.org was hacked and cookie stealing code inserted in to some of the scripts. UPDATE: Not hacked; just bad scripts submitted through the regular process.