Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for security

487 items tagged “security”


IE in Windows XP SP2. An overview of the new security changes.

# 10th August 2004, 7:39 pm / ie, windows, security

Race conditions in security UI. A vulnerability that is even more effective against advanced users (i.e. fast typists).

# 2nd July 2004, 4:14 pm / security, ui

Bruce vs. Bruce (via) Schneier and Sterling discuss security and technology.

# 15th June 2004, 10:04 pm / bruce-schneier, bruce-sterling, security

Daring Fireball: Security Cannot Be Spun. Apple’s communication handling of the recent security problem was atrocious.

# 31st May 2004, 4 am / security, apple, osx, daringfireball, john-gruber

Background Images Security Flaw? Styling :visited links can reveal a user’s browser history.

# 24th May 2004, 8:24 pm / css, security

Mac OS X helpviewer security flaw fixed. Hit Software Update. Not sure if this fixes the telnet: variety though.

# 22nd May 2004, 5:08 am / osx, security

Defending against the OS X help: vulnerability

There’s a nasty OS X vulnerability under discussion at the moment which lets a web page execute code on your machine by taking advantage of a flaw in the “help:” protocol. There’s a non-malicious demonstration of the exploit on this page, and Jay Allen is hosting a discussion on the exploit and ways to avoid it.

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Mac OS X URI Handler Arbitrary Code Execution (via) Very nasty: affects all web browsers, allows compromise by malicious web sites.

# 18th May 2004, 3:39 pm / osx, security

Why Windows is a Security Nightmare. The pain of Windows Update over a 56K modem.

# 18th May 2004, 5:50 am / windows, security

Bruce Schneier: We are all security customers. How can the US get the best return on investment for homeland security?

# 4th May 2004, 6:34 pm / bruce-schneier, security

M.I.T Card Information (via) Who’s bright idea was it to introduce a poorly secured swipe card system in a school full of hard-core techies?

# 25th April 2004, 8:58 pm / mit, security

Will Trade Passwords For Chocolate (via) I’m not at all surprised. Most people see passwords as more of an annoyance than a security measure.

# 20th April 2004, 4:27 am / security, passwords

It’s only going to get worse

This analysis of the spread of the witty worm is fascinating for a whole bunch of different reasons.

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XP Service Pack 2 Review. Several welcome security improvements for those still suffering on Windows ;)

# 21st March 2004, 9:14 pm / windows, security


I’m going to try not to turn this in to a blog about Windows security exploits but this one is genuinely interesting in that it actively tries to steal financial information and important passwords. Bizex spreads itself by spamming messages over ICQ advising the recipient to visit a specific URL. When they visit it, Internet Explorer exploits are used to download and execute the main payload which then infects their ICQ program and uses it to message their contacts. The worm also scans their hard drive for information relating to a number of well known financial services which it then uploads to a server via FTP, and it apparently snoops on their browser for any passwords travelling over HTTPS connections as well.

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Novel security measures

An article on SecurityFocus led me to this site about Port Knocking. Port Knocking is an interesting security technique in which a box sits online with no ports open to connections and awaits a specific sequence of connection attempts. A user wishing to connect to the box must first attempt to initiate connections to ports in a specific, secret order. Once they do, the box starts up the required service (such as an SSH daemon) on a designated port and allows the user to connect properly.

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“I’m Brian and so’s my wife”

I’m subscribed to a whole bunch of mailing lists, mostly as a lurker as I have a hard enough time just keeping up with some of them. One of those lists is Bugtraq, which is pretty much required reading for anyone with sysadmin responsibilities for a server connected to the public internet. Bugtraq is the central hub of the “public disclosure” security community and is actually surprisingly low traffic with only twenty or so messages a day. It’s fascinating to watch the latest exploits for all manner of popular software packages tick by on an hourly basis.

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Election boxes easy to mess with (via) More on Diebold’s ludicrous security

# 30th January 2004, 7:11 pm / security, electronicvoting, diebold

Defending web applications against dictionary attacks

Over at Reflective Surface, Ronaldo M. Ferraz discusses the usability of an authentication system that locks down an account for a certain period of time after three failed login attempts. Ronaldo sees this as a trade off between usability and security, but I see it more as an added security issue in that it allows malicious third parties to lock other user’s accounts armed only with their username.

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non-consensual http user tracking using caches. Interesting security issue involving HTTP caching headers

# 20th January 2004, 10:37 pm / security, caching, privacy


Blaster and the great blackout (via) Bruce Schneier writes for

# 17th December 2003, 3:10 am / bruce-schneier, security, worm

Microsoft Security FAQ (via) Point your less technical friends here

# 17th December 2003, 2:50 am / microsoft, security

Nasty new IE vulnerability

Most people reading are probably aware of the common trick whereby spammers and other assorted ne’er-do-wells publish URLs with usernames that look like hostnames to fool people in to trusting a malicious site—for example, This trick is frequently used by spammers to steal people’s PayPal accounts, by tricking them in to “resetting” their password at a site owned by the spammer but disguised as

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Debian’s Response. Praise for Debian’s handling of their recent security incident

# 9th December 2003, 3:16 am / debian, security

Hacked for Spam

From the New York Times:

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Silly JavaScript Security. “Sorry, you do not have permission to press this key,”

# 5th December 2003, 10:42 pm / security, javascript

High security is low security

Via Crypto-Gram, a great piece from Bruce Tognazzini about how tough security measures can actively reduce the security of a system:

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Signing comments on blogs

Adrian Holovaty has implemented reserved comment names in his blog, a feature that prevents anyone apart from him from using the names “Adrian”, “Adrian H.” or “Adrian Holovaty” when posting a comment. François Nonnenmacher suggests extending the idea to allow people to “confirm” their authorship of comments on any blog using a TrackBack sent to their site that in turn causes them to be sent an alert email, which they can then use to confirm their comment. I like his idea of authentication based on URLs (email addresses are no good; they should not be publically displayed for fear of spam harvesters) but I think I’ve come up with an alternative authentication scheme that removes the need for the user to manually confirm authorship. This is pretty complicated, so bare with me.

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Hashing client-side data

Via Scott, a clever PHP technique for ensuring data sent to the browser as a cookie or hidden form variable isn’t tampered with by the user:

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