3 posts tagged “whosonfirst”
Towards Standardizing Place. Overture Maps announced General Availability of its global maps datasets last week, covering places, buildings, divisions, and base layers.
Drew Breunig demonstrates how this can be accessed using both the Overture Explorer tool and DuckDB, and talks about Overture's GERS IDs - reminiscent of Who's On First IDs - which provide stable IDs for all kinds of geographic places.
How I made a Who’s On First subset database. Inspired by Paul Ford on Twitter, I tried out a new trick with SQLite: connect to a database containing JSON, attach a brand new empty database file using “attach database”, then populate it using INSERT INTO ... SELECT plus the json_extract() function to extract out a subset of the JSON properties into a new table in the new database.
Feature request: a batch version of mapzen.places.getHierarchiesByLatLon. I’ve been having a lot of fun filing issues against various Mapzen / Who’s On First repositories recently—mainly because the team there are incredibly responsive to suggestions and feature requests. Here’s a fun thread where Aaron Straup Cope and myself have been bouncing around some ideas around batch API design.