Simon Willison’s Weblog


IA has arrived

6th November 2002

Christina Wodtke: Information Architecture has arrived:

What’s led me to the conclusion IA has arrived? Articles on IA are seen in every publication that addresses the web, from engineering to design. A recent search turned up 188,000 results on “Information Architecture”. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web has gone to second edition, Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web hit the best seller list on Amazon in its second week on the stands, and three more books on IA are scheduled to come out next year. Jobs for Information Architects are found on most job sites, but more importantly, information architecture is listed as a skill for designers and programmers alike. And finally, the Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture launched Monday-the first organization dedicated to promoting and advancing Information Architecture. These are heady times for information professionals.

I’m nearly half way through “Blueprints for the Web” now—I’ll post a review of it once I’ve had time to read and digest it all but impressions so far are very favourable.

This is IA has arrived by Simon Willison, posted on 6th November 2002.

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