Simon Willison’s Weblog


Learning to use Floats

14th October 2003

Russ Weakley’s latest offering, Floatutorial, is probably the single most valuable CSS tutorial I’ve seen to date. Floats are one of the most powerful constructs offered by CSS, but they are also the hardest to master. Floatutorial provides a clear introduction to the theory behind floats, then dives straight in with a series of 9 tutorials that take you from using simple floats to align images right up to building a liquid 3 column layout using floated divs. If you haven’t yet mastered floats you owe it to yourself to read this tutorial; if you feel you have mastered them its worth looking through to pick up some ideas. The more tutorials like this the better.

I’m going offline for a couple of days. The next time I post I’ll be in Kansas, for the start of my 11 month placement at the Journal-World.

This is Learning to use Floats by Simon Willison, posted on 14th October 2003.

Next: Kansas Blog

Previous: Practical Unicode, please!

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