Simon Willison’s Weblog


July 2005

July 9, 2005

Perl, Python, PHP, LAMP get mad play on latest Gillmor Gang (via) Ryan has transcribed the highlights from Dan Bricklin.

# 11:17 pm

July 10, 2005

Less code is more

I’ve pointed to it a couple of the times from the blogmarks, but it’s worth re-iterating here: if you have any interest at all in LAMP, agile programming or open-source development methodologies you should take a look at To quote their about page:

[... 211 words]

X2V. XSLT to change hCalendar and hCard in to iCalendar and vCard.

# 3:21 am

July 11, 2005

Quotes of the day. A great collection of quotes from Londoners.

# 3:26 pm

London Will Fucking Twat You In A Minute, Son. This post, and the associated community, is the best thing I’ve seen all week.

# 3:39 pm

Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade on the London terror attack (via) Watch the clip. It’s a fucking outrage.

# 3:41 pm

July 12, 2005

BBC—OpenSource (via) “For the BBC, open source software development is an extension of our Public Service remit.”

# 3:34 pm

July 16, 2005

Django: The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines. I helped develop this. Start with the overview. I’ll write more later.

# 4:53 pm

July 17, 2005

Introducing Django

You may know that I spent a year working in Kansas for a local newspaper—the Lawrence Journal-World. I’m delighted to announce that a decent chunk of the software I worked on there is now available as open-source, in the form of the Django web framework.

[... 614 words]

July 20, 2005

Understanding the Greasemonkey vulnerability

If you have any version of Greasemonkey installed prior to 0.3.5, which was released a few hours ago, or if you are running any of the 0.4 alphas, you need to go and upgrade right now. All versions of Greasemonkey aside from 0.3.5 contain a nasty security hole, which could enable malicious web sites to read any file from your hard drive without you knowing.

[... 809 words]

Google Moon—Lunar Landing Sites (via) Be sure to zoom all the way in for a Wallace and Gromit like revelation.

# 9:34 am

[Greasemonkey] A whole other kind of monkey. Help Aaron test the new, hopefully secure, Greasemonkey.

# 7:56 pm / greasemonkey

July 22, 2005

Manhole cover on Wikipedia (via) Way more interesting than it should be.

# 11:52 am

July 24, 2005

Django Reference (cheat) Sheet. This is great!

# 7:27 pm

July 31, 2005

Software Carpentry. Greg Wilson’s course on software development skills.

# 1:04 pm

Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla. Surprisingly comprehensive guide to browser differences.

# 1:06 pm

Another practical use for JavaScript closures. Create private methods by hiding them in a closure.

# 1:08 pm

2005 » July
