Simon Willison’s Weblog


December 2006

Dec. 24, 2006

Friends, friendsters, and top 8: Writing community into being on social network sites. I finally got around to reading this. Fascinating; lots to digest.

# 7:32 pm / myspace, danah-boyd, socialsoftware, socialnetworks

Dec. 25, 2006 fun with automated links. Nat’s documented one of’ least promoted features—the ability to auto-post your links to your weblog once a day.

# 12:26 am / natalie-downe, delicious

What is the physically smallest and cheapest laptop capable of running OS X?

Apple rumors are worth approximately nothing, but there’s one going around that a ultra-slim 12“ MacBook Pro is going to be announced at MacWorld Expo some time in the second week of January; might be worth holding on until then to see if there’s any truth to it. There’s certainly a 12” sized hole in the line-up at the moment.

[... 81 words]

Serving Multiple Hosts from a Single Django Instance. Includes a patch to pull the urlconf from the request object, where it has been placed by some custom middleware.

# 11:21 pm / django, urlconf

Dec. 26, 2006

Sending a postal letter via the internets?

Thanks mycapaciousbottega. It looks like there’s still a business opportunity here because doesn’t work! I got through the create-your-letter step, but when I hit the “pay” button I got an error from the payment service stating that their user account didn’t exist.

[... 67 words]

Login to other services with Technorati. Technorati are now an OpenID provider. I’d much rather they were a consumer though; at the moment you can claim your blog with OpenID but you can’t log in to your Technorati account with an OpenID from elsewhere.

# 8:41 pm / openid, technorati

Dec. 27, 2006

How is Google giving me access to this page?

Google have an open URL redirector, so you can craft a link that uses that:

[... 35 words]

Dec. 28, 2006

Unobtrusive OpenID. Sam’s implementation passes association data in the URL rather than using sessions. I need to do that here.

# 9 pm / openid, sam-ruby

2006 » December
