Simon Willison’s Weblog


July 2006

July 18, 2006 Ian Bicking’s port of Ruby style blocks to Python using decorators.

# 10:25 pm

Ten Things Yahoo! Is Already Doing with the YUI Library. A good answer to a Frequently Asked question.

# 11:18 pm

July 19, 2006

Must Ignore vs. Microformats (via) Interesting perspective from Elliotte Rusty Harold.

# 7:52 am

AOL Retention Manual Revealed—37 signals take note. That’s why AOL developed, “Keep It Real”...a set of principles that will drive a world-class Member experience...

# 8:01 am

July 20, 2006

Buy A Customized Jessica Simpson MP3 At Yahoo! Music. The fact that it’s an MP3 should cause waves.

# 1:22 am

Spry framework for Ajax. Another take on declarative Ajax, this time from Adobe.

# 2:29 pm

Spry Data Set and Dynamic Region Overview. This looks surprisingly clever and well designed.

# 2:40 pm

July 23, 2006

XML-RPC servers using Django. Another advantage of the simple Request/Response model.

# 9:15 pm

July 25, 2006

Unit testing asynchronous JavaScript. A better testing API for JavaScript.

# 11:46 am

Python API for Akismet. My hand-rolled spam prevention works pretty well, but I might give this a try.

# 11:47 am

The Anti-Web 2.0. Gina Trapani questions the wisdom of only saving your data to the cloud.

# 11:49 am Joe Gregorio’s better HTTP library for Python.

# 11:49 am

Techa Kucha Night. Tonight. I’m doing one on Functional Programming and JavaScript.

# 11:50 am

JavaScript Browser detect 2.0. For when object detection isn’t enough. Use with care.

# 11:59 am

Geek in the Park, 27th August. Looks like good fun—unfortunately I’m away that weekend.

# 1:50 pm

Django now available in Tamil. The work was done by a 14 -person team at a translation workshop.

# 5:25 pm

July 26, 2006

NewsForge | Day one at OSCON. Includes a write-up of Jacob’s Django tutorial.

# 3:04 pm

Ask Later # 1. It rocked. Can’t wait for the next one.

# 3:10 pm

The Wireless Universal Resource File (via) One XML file, information about many wireless devices.

# 5:26 pm

July 27, 2006

Yahoo! Developer Network: The New Multi-Lingual SDK. YDN has an API library for Lua now.

# 11:11 am

Enumerating JavaScript Objects. More smart stuff from Dean Edwards.

# 2:15 pm

restobook. Python Series 60 + + phone address book = restaurant fun.

# 10:59 pm

WPHP. Run PHP under your Python WSGI app. Not nearly as crazy as it sounds.

# 11:01 pm

July 28, 2006

upcoming-python-api—Google Code. My Upcoming API library, used to test out Google Project Hosting.

# 1:05 am

Django-powered sites as a mosaic. Nice piece of webkit2png hackery from Jacob.

# 1:13 am

Greasemonkey 0.6.5—2.0 support and localization. First release in nearly 8 months. Great to see it’s still ticking over.

# 8:47 am / localisation, greasemonkey

2006 » July
