Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 2nd October 2008

What’s New in Python 2.6 (via) Python 2.6 final has been released (the last 2.x version before 3.0). multiprocessing and simplejson (as json) are now in the standard library, any backwards compatible 3.0 features have been added and the official docs are now powered by Sphinx (used by Django 1.0 as well). There’s plenty more.

# 11:47 am / django, python, releases, json, simplejson, multiprocessing, sphinx-docs

Google’s Wikipedia and Panoramio layers are now available in the API. I really like their use of reverse domain style identifiers for the layer IDs: map.addOverlay(new GLayer(“org.wikipedia”));

# 11:59 am / google-maps, wikipedia, javascript, panoramio, glayer

FB App Canvas Pages: I Think I’d Use IFrames. Facebook’s Charlie Cheever explains the difference between FBML canvas pages, iframe pages and XFBML when building Facebook apps. I’m always surprised at APIs that load untrusted content in an iframe, as it seems like an invitation for frame-busting phishing attacks.

# 2:39 pm / facebook, charlie-cheever, framebusting, iframes, security, phishing, fbml, xfbml, facebookapi

Tweetersation. Nat and my latest side project: a JSONP API powered tool to more easily follow conversations between people on Twitter, by combining their tweets in to a single timeline.

# 5:08 pm / twitter, jsonp, projects, natalie-downe, javascript, api, tweetersation

Obama ’08 for iPhone (via) Slick app, impressive for a three week turnaround. I’m guessing it uses the phone number area codes in your address book to arrange your friends by state for the “call your friends” feature, which is an ingeniously simple hack.

# 6:13 pm / politics, iphone, barack-obama, ravenzachary

2008 » October
