Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 29th October 2020

Seniors generally report having more trust in the people around them, a characteristic that may make them more credulous of information that comes from friends and family. There is also the issue of context: Misinformation appears in a stream that also includes baby pictures, recipes and career updates. Users may not expect to toggle between light socializing and heavy truth-assessing when they’re looking at their phone for a few minutes in line at the grocery store.

Michael Hobbes

# 3:06 pm / social-media, misinformation

Defining Data Intuition. Ryan T. Harter, Principal Data Scientist at Mozilla defines data intuition as “a resilience to misleading data and analyses”. He also introduces the term “data-stink” as a similar term to “code smell”, where your intuition should lead you to distrust analysis that exhibits certain characteristics without first digging in further. I strongly believe that data reports should include a link the raw methodology and numbers to ensure they can be more easily vetted—so that data-stink can be investigated with the least amount of resistance.

# 3:14 pm / analytics, mozilla, data-science

2020 » October
