Simon Willison’s Weblog


MDN Browser Support Timelines. I complained on Hacker News today that I wished the MDN browser compatibility ables - like this one for the Web Locks API - included an indication as to when each browser was released rather than just the browser numbers.

It turns out they do! If you click on each browser version in turn you can see an expanded area showing the browser release date:

Animated GIF showing the table, clicking a browser version expands a box showing when it was released

There's even an inline help tip telling you about the feature, which I've been studiously ignoring for years.

I want to see all the information at once without having to click through each browser. I had a poke around in the Firefox network tab and found - a JSON document containing browser support details (with release dates) for that API... and it was served using access-control-allow-origin: * which means I can hit it from my own little client-side applications.

I decided to build something with an autocomplete drop-down interface for selecting the API. That meant I'd need a list of all of the available APIs, and I used GitHub code search to find that in the mdn/browser-compat-data repository, in the api/ directory.

I needed the list of files in that directory for my autocomplete. Since there are just over 1,000 of those the regular GitHub contents API won't return them all, so I switched to the tree API instead.

Here's the finished tool - source code here:

Screenshot of browser support timeline. MDN Browser Support Timelines heading, ViewTransition search box, and api.ViewTransition section showing MDN Documentation and Specification links. Timeline shows Standard_track releases: webview_android v111 (Feb 28 2023), chrome v111 (Mar 6 2023), chrome_android v111 (Mar 6 2023), edge v111 (Mar 12 2023), opera v97 (Mar 21 2023), opera_android v75 (May 16 2023), samsunginternet_android v22.0 (Jul 13 2023), safari v18 (Sep 15 2024), safari_ios v18 (Sep 15 2024), webview_ios v18 (Sep 15 2024). Not Supported: firefox, firefox_android, ie, oculus

95% of the code was written by LLMs, but I did a whole lot of assembly and iterating to get it to the finished state. Three of the transcripts for that: