Simon Willison’s Weblog


Un Ministral, des Ministraux (via) Two new models from Mistral: Ministral 3B and Ministral 8B - joining Mixtral, Pixtral, Codestral and Mathstral as weird naming variants on the Mistral theme.

These models set a new frontier in knowledge, commonsense, reasoning, function-calling, and efficiency in the sub-10B category, and can be used or tuned to a variety of uses, from orchestrating agentic workflows to creating specialist task workers. Both models support up to 128k context length (currently 32k on vLLM) and Ministral 8B has a special interleaved sliding-window attention pattern for faster and memory-efficient inference.

Mistral's own benchmarks look impressive, but it's hard to get excited about small on-device models with a non-commercial Mistral Research License (for the 8B) and a contact-us-for-pricing Mistral Commercial License (for the 8B and 3B), given the existence of the extremely high quality Llama 3.1 and 3.2 series of models.

These new models are also available through Mistral's la Plateforme API, priced at $0.1/million tokens (input and output) for the 8B and $0.04/million tokens for the 3B.

The latest release of my llm-mistral plugin for LLM adds aliases for the new models. Previously you could access them like this:

llm mistral refresh # To fetch new models
llm -m mistral/ministral-3b-latest "a poem about pelicans at the park"
llm -m mistral/ministral-8b-latest "a poem about a pelican in french"

With the latest plugin version you can do this:

llm install -U llm-mistral
llm -m ministral-8b "a poem about a pelican in french"

$ llm -m ministral-8b 'a poem about a pelican in french' - returns:  Bien sûr, voici un poème sur une pelican en français :  ---  Un pelican, sage et majestueux, Sur les mers bleues, il se promène. Avec ses ailes déployées, Il survole les flots, léger et serein.  Ses grands becs jaunes, un joyau, Attirent les poissons qui s'éloignent. Avec grâce, il plonge, s'entraîne, Dans l'eau profonde, il trouve son chemin.  Pelican, roi des cieux marins, Dans la lumière du soleil levant, Il mène sa danse, son ballet, Un spectacle de force et de beauté.  Sous le ciel infini, il navigue, Porté par les vents, par les courants. Pelican, symbole de la mer, Un gardien des profondeurs, un prince.  ---  J'espère que ce poème vous plaît