Simon Willison’s Weblog


Django Commons. Django Commons is a really promising initiative started by Tim Schilling, aimed at the problem of keeping key Django community projects responsibly maintained on a long-term basis.

Django Commons is an organization dedicated to supporting the community's efforts to maintain packages. It seeks to improve the maintenance experience for all contributors; reducing the barrier to entry for new contributors and reducing overhead for existing maintainers.

I’ve stated recently that I’d love to see the Django Software Foundation take on this role - adopting projects and ensuring they are maintained long-term. Django Commons looks like it solves that exact problem, assuring the future of key projects beyond their initial creators.

So far the Commons has taken on responsibility for django-fsm-2, django-tasks-scheduler and, as-of this week, diango-typer.

Here’s Tim introducing the project back in May. Thoughtful governance has been baked in from the start:

Having multiple administrators makes the role more sustainable, lessens the impact of a person stepping away, and shortens response time for administrator requests. It’s important to me that the organization starts with multiple administrators so that collaboration and documentation are at the forefront of all decisions.