Simon Willison’s Weblog


Weeknotes: Three podcasts, two trips and a new plugin system

30th September 2024

I fell behind a bit on my weeknotes. Here’s most of what I’ve been doing in September.

Lisbon, Portugal and Durham, North Carolina

I had two trips this month. The first was a short visit to Lisbon, Portugal for the Python Software Foundation’s annual board retreat. This inspired me to write about Things I’ve learned serving on the board of the Python Software Foundation.

The second was to Durham, North Carolina for DjangoCon US 2024. I wrote about that one in Themes from DjangoCon US 2024.

My talk at DjangoCon was about plugin systems, and in a classic example of conference-driven development I ended up writing and releasing a new plugin system for Django in preparation for that talk. I introduced that in DJP: A plugin system for Django.


I haven’t been a podcast guest since January, and then three came along at once! All three appearences involved LLMs in some way but I don’t think there was a huge amount of overlap in terms of what I actually said.

  • I went on The Software Misadventures Podcast to talk about my career to-date.
  • My appearance on TWIML dug into ways in which I use Claude and ChatGPT to help me write code.
  • I was the guest for the inaugral episode of Gergely Orosz’s Pragmatic Engineer Podcast, which ended up touching on a whole array of different topics relevant to modern software engineering, from the importance of open source to the impact AI tools are likely to have on our industry.

Gergely has been sharing neat edited snippets from our conversation on Twitter. Here’s one on RAG and another about how open source has been the the biggest productivity boost of my career.

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