Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for bbc

35 items tagged “bbc”


Writing comedy for the BBC (via) Tips from the beeb

# 2nd February 2004, 5:36 pm / bbc, comedy


Opening times for online forums?

Here’s something I’ve never seen before. The BBC’s Neighbours messageboard currently has a note up saying “This messageboard is currently closed”, with a link to the opening times: 9am until 10pm weekdays, opening 10am at weekends. You can still read the forums but you can’t post anything. This is obviously a moderation tactic to ensure there is always an administrator available to delete offensive material should any be posted—I’m writing about it here because I’ve never seen this approach used before.

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Interesting jobs at the BBC

Spotted on City of Sound, via Paul Hammond:

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BBC News Feeds

Adrian Holovaty has the scoop on the BBC’s new RSS feeds, one for every news index page of their site. Adrian has also written a bookmarklet to find the feed for any section of the BBC site.


Changing backgrounds

Via Adrian Holovaty, Matt Jones points out an innovative new feature of the BBC’s new home page—background colours that adapt to your browsing preferences. Interesting stuff.