424 items tagged “datasette”
Datasette is an open source tool for exploring and publishing data.
Weeknotes number 100
This entry marks my 100th weeknotes, which I’ve managed to post once a week (plus or minus a few days) consistently since 13th September 2019.
[... 593 words]Datasette Desktop 0.2.0: The annotated release notes
Datasette Desktop is a new macOS desktop application version of Datasette, an “open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data” built on top of SQLite. I released the first version last week—I’ve just released version 0.2.0 (and a 0.2.1 bug fix) with a whole bunch of critical improvements.
[... 2,208 words]Datasette Desktop—a macOS desktop application for Datasette
I just released version 0.1.0 of the new Datasette macOS desktop application, the first version that end-users can easily install. I would very much appreciate your help testing it out!
[... 1,761 words]Datasette Desktop 0.1.0 (via) This is the first installable version of the new Datasette Desktop macOS application I’ve been building. Please try it out and leave feedback on Twitter or on the GitHub Discussions thread linked from the release notes.
Building a desktop application for Datasette (and weeknotes)
This week I started experimenting with a desktop application version of Datasette—with the goal of providing people who aren’t comfortable with the command-line the ability to get Datasette up and running on their own personal computers.
[... 1,423 words]Weeknotes: Getting my personal Dogsheep up and running again
I gave a talk about Dogsheep at Noisebridge’s Five Minutes of Fame on Thursday. Just one problem: my regular Dogsheep demo was broken, so I ended up building it from scratch again. In doing so I fixed a few bugs in some Dogsheep tools.
[... 1,311 words]Datasette on Codespaces, sqlite-utils API reference documentation and other weeknotes
This week I broke my streak of not sending out the Datasette newsletter, figured out how to use Sphinx for Python class documentation, worked out how to run Datasette on GitHub Codespaces, implemented Datasette column metadata and got tantalizingly close to a solution for an elusive Datasette feature.
[... 2,164 words]Everything new in Datasette since January, plus Django SQL Dashboard. I sent out the first Datasette newsletter since late January this year, covering everything that’s new in Datasette and sqlite-utils this year and introducing Django SQL Dashboard.
Stanford School Enrollment Project (via) This is Project Pelican: I’ve been working with the Big Local News team at Stanford helping bundle up and release the data they’ve been collecting on school enrollment statistics around the USA. This Datasette instance has data from 33 states for every year since 2015—3.3m rows total. Be sure to check out the accompanying documentation!
Apply conversion functions to data in SQLite columns with the sqlite-utils CLI tool
Earlier this week I released sqlite-utils 3.14 with a powerful new command-line tool: sqlite-utils convert
, which applies a conversion function to data stored in a SQLite column.
Weeknotes: datasette-remote-metadata, sqlite-transform --multi
I mentioned Project Pelican (still a codename until the end of the embargo) last week. This week it inspired a new plugin, datasette-remote-metadata.
[... 595 words]The Baked Data architectural pattern
I’ve been exploring an architectural pattern for publishing websites over the past few years that I call the “Baked Data” pattern. It provides many of the advantages of static site generators while avoiding most of their limitations. I think it deserves to be used more widely.
[... 1,896 words]Datasette—an ecosystem of tools for working with small data
This is the transcript and video from a talk I gave at PyGotham 2020 about using SQLite, Datasette and Dogsheep to work with small data.
[... 4,655 words]Weeknotes: sqlite-transform 1.1, Datasette 0.58.1, datasette-graphql 1.5
Work on Project Pelican inspires new features and improvements across a number of different projects.
[... 1,419 words]Datasette downloads per day (with Observable Plot) (via) I built an Observable notebook that imports PyPI package download data from datasette.io (itself scraped from pypistats.org using a scheduled GitHub Action) and plots it using Observable Plot. Datasette downloads from PyPI apparently jumped from ~800/day in May to ~4,000/day in July—would love to know why!
Datasette 0.58: The annotated release notes
I released Datasette 0.58 last night, with new plugin hooks, Unix domain socket support, a major faceting performance fix and a few other improvements. Here are the annotated release notes.
[... 1,062 words]Weeknotes: Fun with Unix domain sockets
A small enhancement to Datasette this week: I’ve added support for proxying via Unix domain sockets.
[... 809 words]Django SQL Dashboard 1.0
Earlier this week I released Django SQL Dashboard 1.0. I also just released 1.0.1, with a bug fix for PostgreSQL 10 contributed by Ryan Cheley.
[... 629 words]Weeknotes: sqlite-utils updates, Datasette and asgi-csrf, open-sourcing VIAL
Some work on sqlite-utils
, asgi-csrf
, a Datasette alpha and we open-sourced VIAL.
A Datasette tutorial in Portuguese. Nicolás Linares put together this Datasette tutorial in Portuguese, including an explanation of the project, how to get it up and running on a laptop, how to use it to explore and facet data, how to use plugins (including datasette-vega and datasette-cluster-map) and how to publish data using Vercel. I ran this through Google Translate and I can confirm that it’s a really well constructed tutorial—fantastic to see material like this starting to emerge in languages other than English.
Weeknotes: New releases across nine different projects
A new release and security patch for Datasette, plus releases of sqlite-utils, datasette-auth-passwords, django-sql-dashboard, datasette-upload-csvs, xml-analyser, datasette-placekey, datasette-mask-columns and db-to-sqlite.
[... 861 words]Reflected cross-site scripting issue in Datasette (via) Here’s the GitHub security advisory I published for the XSS hole in Datasette. The fix is available in versions 0.57 and 0.56.1, both released today.
Datasette 0.57. Released today, Datasette 0.57 has new options for controlling which columns are visible on a table page, a way to show more than the default 30 facet results, a whole bunch of smaller improvements and a fix for a severe cross-site scripting security vulnerability.
Weeknotes: Docker architectures, sqlite-utils 3.7, nearly there with Datasette 0.57
This week I learned a whole bunch about using Docker to emulate different architectures, released sqlite-utils 3.7 and made a ton of progress towards the almost-ready-to-ship Datasette 0.57.
[... 1,081 words]Weeknotes: Spinning back up on Datasette
I’ve been somewhat distracted from Datasette for the past couple of months, thanks to my work on VIAL and the accompanying open source project django-sql-dashboard. This week I scraped back some time to work on Datasette.
[... 401 words]Django SQL Dashboard
I’ve released the first non-alpha version of Django SQL Dashboard, which provides an interface for running arbitrary read-only SQL queries directly against a PostgreSQL database, protected by the Django authentication scheme. It can also be used to create saved dashboards that can be published or shared internally.
[... 2,171 words]A museum bot (via) Shawn Graham built a Twitter bot, using R, which tweets out random items from the collection at the Canadian Science and Technology Museum—using a Datasette instance that he’s running based on a CSV export of their collections data.
Render single selected county on a map (via) Another experiment at the intersection of Datasette and Observable notebooks. This one imports a full Datasette table (3,200 US counties) using streaming CSV and loads that into Observable’s new Search and Table filter widgets. Once you select a single county a second Datasette SQL query (this time retuning JSON) fetches a GeoJSON representation of that county which is then rendered as SVG using D3.
Animated choropleth of vaccinations by US county
Last week I mentioned that I’ve recently started scraping and storing the CDC’s per-county vaccination numbers in my cdc-vaccination-history GitHub repository. This week I used an Observable notebook and d3’s TopoJSON support to render those numbers on an animated choropleth map.
[... 1,138 words]Weeknotes: SpatiaLite 5, Datasette on Azure, more CDC vaccination history
This week I got SpatiaLite 5 working in the Datasette Docker image, improved the CDC vaccination history git scraper, figured out Datasette on Azure and we closed on a new home!
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