Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for google-buzz

2 items tagged “google-buzz”


A little deeper investigation showed that nothing I had posted on Buzz had gone public since August 6. Nothing. [...] No one noticed. Not even me. It makes me feel like everything I’ve posted over the past four years on Twitter, Jaiku, Friendfeed, Plurk, Pownce, and, yes, Google Buzz, has been an immense waste of time. I was shouting into a vast echo chamber where no one could hear me because they were too busy shouting themselves.

Leo Laporte

# 22nd August 2010, 6:43 pm / google-buzz, social-media, twitter, recovered, leolaporte

A new Buzz start-up experience based on your feedback. Buzz is switching to the more obvious model: use existing Gmail behaviour to suggest a list of people to follow, rather than auto-following them. It feels pretty clear to me that this is how following recommendations should work.

# 14th February 2010, 10:12 am / buzz, follow, following, google-buzz, privacy