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Atom feed for json

141 items tagged “json”


Page Inlink Analyzer (via) Here’s why I’m so keen on JSONP APIs—Eric Miraglia’s tool fires off dozens of cross-domain JSON requests to pull together information about inbound links to your site from Yahoo! Site Explorer and I imagine it would have been uneconomic for him to provide the tool if it had to proxy every request through his own server.

# 15th October 2008, 5:23 pm / jsonp, eric-miraglia, json, javascript, apis, delicious

What’s New in Python 2.6 (via) Python 2.6 final has been released (the last 2.x version before 3.0). multiprocessing and simplejson (as json) are now in the standard library, any backwards compatible 3.0 features have been added and the official docs are now powered by Sphinx (used by Django 1.0 as well). There’s plenty more.

# 2nd October 2008, 11:47 am / django, python, releases, json, simplejson, multiprocessing, sphinx-docs

simplejson 2.0.1. Python’s simplejson JSON library got a whole lot faster while I wasn’t looking.

# 1st October 2008, 10:55 pm / simplejson, json, python, performance, bobippolito

addSizes.js: Snazzy automatic link file-size generation. Posted to Nat’s snazzy new blog: a script that uses my json-head API to grab the file size of linked documents on a page and insert those sizes in to the document.

# 30th August 2008, 10:39 am / jsonhead, natalie-downe, addsizes, javascript, json, jsonp

json-tinyurl. Because sometimes you want to be able to create a shorter version of a URL directly from JavaScript without hosting your own server-side proxy.

# 27th August 2008, 10:58 am / jsontinyurl, json, jsonp, appengine, projects, javascript, tinyurl

Dare left something out (and it’s important). Dave Winer: “You should at least learn the lessons and add to REST what it needs to catch up with XML-RPC. Seriously. What’s missing in REST, btw, is a standard method of serializing structs, lists and scalar types.” That would be JSON.

# 18th August 2008, 9:39 am / json, dave-winer, rest, xml-rpc, dare-obasanjo

IMG-2-JSON (via) I’m not the only person deploying simple JSON-P APIs on App Engine: Adam Burmister’s tool extracts dimension, mimetype and EXIF metadata when provided the URL to an image file.

# 12th August 2008, 9:43 am / jsonp, appengine, img2json, adam-burmister, mimetype, exif, json, api

json-head. I’ve deployed another App Engine mini-app, which provides a JSON-P API for running HEAD requests against an arbitrary URL (useful for checking things like Content-Length and Content-Type headers and whether a URL returns 200). App Engine’s urlfetch limitations mean it can only deal with port 80 and 443 requests.

# 29th July 2008, 3:41 pm / json, jsonhead, jsonp, projects, appengine

Browser Uploads to S3 using HTML POST Forms. I didn’t know you could do this: create a regular HTML form that gives people permission to upload direct to your own S3 bucket, using a signed JSON policy statement in a hidden form field to prevent third parties from abusing your S3 account.

# 27th June 2008, 12:11 pm / s3, amazon, aws, forms, post, json, signing

jsontime. Nat and I threw this together this morning—it runs on Google App Engine and exposes Python’s pytz timezone library over JSONP.

# 21st June 2008, 7:07 pm / jsontime, json, javascript, api, projects, python, pytz, appengine

XML is better if you have more text and fewer tags. And JSON is better if you have more tags and less text. Argh! I mean, come on, it's that easy. But you know, there's a big debate about it.

Steve Yegge

# 15th June 2008, 6:09 pm / xml, json, steve-yegge

Dopplr place googlemaps, with and without Yahoo Geo API bounding box adjustment. Dopplr uses Geonames for most geo information, but is now mixing in bounding box data from the Yahoo! Geo web service to improve the default zoom level for their maps. The JSON callback API means no server-side code is required on Dopplr’s end.

# 17th May 2008, 11:35 pm / json, dopplr, geonames, yahoogeo, whereonearth, matt-biddulph, jsonp, javascript, mapping

Session variables without cookies. Brilliant but terrifying hack—you can store up to 2 MB of data in and it persists between multiple pages, even across domains. Doesn’t work with new tabs though, and storing JSON in it and eval()ing it is a bad idea—a malicious site could populate it before sending the user to you.

# 13th May 2008, 9:59 pm / javascript, json, crossdomainstorage, sessions, security

Persevere adds Comet Support. Persevere sounds neat: a RESTful HTTP/JSON data store (the interface reminds me of CouchDB) which recently gained the ability to “subscribe” to a resource and receive notifications of updates via comet.

# 13th May 2008, 8:09 am / persevere, comet, javascript, json, rest, restful, couchdb

Google AJAX Search API: Flash and Server Side Access. Over a year after Google shot down their SOAP Search API, they’ve quietly released a JSON based one under the guise of supporting “Flash and other non JavaScript environments”. Comes with the strange requirement that an HTTP referer be sent with every request; the API key is optional.

# 22nd April 2008, 7:16 pm / google, soap, ajax, json, search, web-services, apis

CouchDB, XML, and E4X. Brilliant—CouchDB now enables SpiderMonkey’s E4X support, meaning CouchDB views can easily query XML documents stored inside JSON objects using E4X syntax.

# 5th March 2008, 12:31 am / couchdb, javascript, xml, e4x, json, spidermonkey, christopher-lenz

Social Graph API. This is freaking awesome. Input one or more URLs to your profile pages and it returns a huge dump of crawled relationship data, based on XFN, FOAF and OpenID links. No API key required and it supports JSON callbacks so you can incorporate it in to a site without even needing to write any extra server-side code.

# 3rd February 2008, 10:34 pm / socialgraph, socialgraphapi, json, jsonp, google

The Art & Science of JavaScript. The JavaScript book I contributed to is now shipping! My chapter describes how to build a Flickr / Google Maps mashup entirely using client-side code (via JSON-P).

# 12th January 2008, 7:05 pm / javascript, writing, books, flickr, google-maps, jsonp, json, sitepoint, theartandscienceofjavascript


[Release] CouchDB 0.7.0. This is a huge milestone for the project—it’s the first official release to include the JSON REST API instead of XML, and it’s also the first release that is “intended for widespread use”.

# 17th November 2007, 12:25 am / couchdb, releases, json, rest, xml, jan-lehnardt

CouchDB first impressions. Jacob’s been poking at CouchDB. Inserting data is slow, but everything else looks pretty slick considering how recently the JSON / JavaScript views functionality was added.

# 19th October 2007, 11:43 am / json, javascript, couchdb, jacob-kaplan-moss, erlang

hasAccount. Stuart proposes a light-weight API for letting any site know if a user has an account (and is signed in) on another service. I wouldn’t want to deploy this without being confident that my CSRF protection was in order.

# 28th September 2007, 9:10 am / csrf, stuart-langridge, crossdomain, json, api, accounts

How should JSON strings be represented in Erlang? Erlang’s poor support for strings makes this a surprisingly tricky question.

# 14th September 2007, 8:17 am / erlang, json, strings, tonygarnockjones

CouchDB: Thinking beyond the RDBMS. CouchDB is a fascinating project—an Erlang powered non-relational database with a JSON API that lets you define “views” (really computed tables) based on JavaScript functions that execute using map/reduce. Damien Katz, the main developer currently works for MySQL and used to work on Lotus Notes.

# 3rd September 2007, 9:48 am / couchdb, erlang, databases, json, javascript, damien-katz, lotusnotes, mysql, mapreduce

Freebase developer documentation. The JSON API and particularly the query language are fascinating.

# 3rd September 2007, 2:38 am / json, api, freebase

Cabochon event server. Written in Python (on top of SQLObject and Paste), uses JSON for messages, allows event consumers to subscribe with a callback URL.

# 2nd August 2007, 8:36 am / callbacks, python, sqlobject, paste, cabochon, events, json

JSON and Browser Security. Douglas Crockford suggests using secret tokens to protect JSON content, and avoiding wrapper hacks to protect unauthorised JSON delivery as they may fall foul of undiscovered browser bugs in the future.

# 11th April 2007, 12:52 am / douglas-crockford, json, security

XML and JSON. James Clark on JSON’s strengths and weaknesses compared to XML.

# 9th April 2007, 8:57 pm / james-clark, json, xml

Fortify JavaScript Hijacking FUD. Bob Ippolito points out the flaws in the recent widely disseminated JavaScript Hijacking paper. While the paper does miss some important details, it’s good that more people are now aware of the security implications involved in serving JSON up wrapped in an array.

# 5th April 2007, 10:51 pm / json, bobippolito, javascript, security

Triplr. Ultra simple GET-based web service for converting RSS / Atom / RDF / Microformats+GRDDL to HTML / ntriples / RDF / RSS / JSON / Turtle. Small pieces, loosely joined.

# 30th March 2007, 3:30 pm / triplr, rss, atom, rdf, microformats, grddl, html, ntriples, json, turtle, semanticweb

JSON and JSON-RPC for Erlang. Nice example of using lists:reverse and an accumulator to efficiently build a string in reverse order.

# 25th March 2007, 4:29 pm / erlang, json, jsonrpc