Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for lightning-talks

6 posts tagged “lightning-talks”


Datasette Public Office Hours Application. We are running another Datasette Public Office Hours event on Discord tomorrow (Friday 17th January 2025) at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern / 10pm GMT / more timezones here.

The theme this time around is lightning talks - we're looking for 5-8 minute long talks from community members about projects they are working on or things they have built using the Datasette family of tools (which includes LLM and sqlite-utils as well).

If you have a demo you'd like to share, please let us know via this form.

I'm going to be demonstrating my recent work on the next generation of Datasette Enrichments.

# 16th January 2025, 6:38 pm / lightning-talks, enrichments, discord, datasette, datasette-public-office-hours


What are some tips for giving a lightning talk at a conference?

Tips for general public speaking still hold for lightning talks. Here are some tips that might help:

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Each speaker gets five minutes to explain their research, with a human metronome banging a waste bin with a big stick after every minute. After five minutes, an eight-year old girl (last night, actually two twins) walks across the stage and says "Please Stop, I'm Bored" and repeats it until the speaker does indeed stop.

Ian Mansfield

# 19th March 2010, 11:07 am / conferences, ian-mansfield, ignobels, lightning-talks

2008 I’m fed up of having to dig out or knock up a timer script every time I manage lightning talks, so I’ve given one a domain name. You can use to set a different start time for the counter.

# 12th November 2008, 4:43 pm / lightningtimer, projects, javascript, lightning-talks

Zeppelin 101 in 5 mins (via) Ribot videoed my five minute lightning talk on Zeppelins at last night’s Skillswap Brighton.

# 30th October 2008, 5:05 pm / video, speaking, ribot, skillswap, vimeo, zeppelins, lightning-talks

I love Zeppelins, and you should too (via) Slides from my PyCon UK lightning talk on Zeppelins. I’ve annotated them using SlideShare comments.

# 13th September 2008, 6:38 pm / zeppelins, airships, pyconuk, pyconuk2008, lightning-talks, speaking, slides