6 posts tagged “lightning-talks”
Datasette Public Office Hours Application. We are running another Datasette Public Office Hours event on Discord tomorrow (Friday 17th January 2025) at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern / 10pm GMT / more timezones here.
The theme this time around is lightning talks - we're looking for 5-8 minute long talks from community members about projects they are working on or things they have built using the Datasette family of tools (which includes LLM and sqlite-utils as well).
If you have a demo you'd like to share, please let us know via this form.
I'm going to be demonstrating my recent work on the next generation of Datasette Enrichments.
What are some tips for giving a lightning talk at a conference?
Tips for general public speaking still hold for lightning talks. Here are some tips that might help:
[... 236 words]2010
Each speaker gets five minutes to explain their research, with a human metronome banging a waste bin with a big stick after every minute. After five minutes, an eight-year old girl (last night, actually two twins) walks across the stage and says "Please Stop, I'm Bored" and repeats it until the speaker does indeed stop.
lightningtimer.net. I’m fed up of having to dig out or knock up a timer script every time I manage lightning talks, so I’ve given one a domain name. You can use lightningtimer.net/#90 to set a different start time for the counter.
Zeppelin 101 in 5 mins (via) Ribot videoed my five minute lightning talk on Zeppelins at last night’s Skillswap Brighton.
I love Zeppelins, and you should too (via) Slides from my PyCon UK lightning talk on Zeppelins. I’ve annotated them using SlideShare comments.