Simon Willison’s Weblog

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3 posts tagged “nelsonminar”


Running my own LLM (via) Nelson Minar describes running LLMs on his own computer using my LLM tool and llm-gpt4all plugin, plus some notes on trying out some of the other plugins.

# 16th August 2023, 10:42 pm / llm, nelsonminar, edge-llms, llms


Warcraft account security. Apparently Blizzard have been selling two factor authentication key fobs for World of Warcraft for about six months.

# 6th December 2008, 9:52 am / twofactor, blizzard, worldofwarcraft, security, nelsonminar

Firefox 3’s password remembering. I’m loving Firefox 3, and the way it does password remembering (with a non-modal toolbar so you can tell if your password worked before deciding to save it) is just one of the major improvements. Opera gets this right as well.

# 2nd April 2008, 8:24 pm / opera, passwordsaving, firefox3, mozilla, nelsonminar