567 items tagged “django”
The Django web framework.
Finding Lookup Items that Are Not Used. How to do left outer joins (and other custom SQL) using the Django ORM.
Ubuntu -- python-django. Sweet, Django 0.96 is packaged for Ubuntu Gutsy.
Inline images are stored as data URI:s in the intermediate format (and usually also in the source documents), but since not all browsers support this format, the renderer replaces the data URI:s with HTTP pointers to an image cache directory.
A nice example of when to use reduce in python. As a shortcut for assembling a large OR query using the Django ORM.
Django, iCal and vObject. Easy iCal generation for Django using vObject.
Java’s Fear of Commitment (via) How Java culture emphasises interfaces and layers of abstraction over solving problems directly.
Django weekly roundup: July 30. Every active open source project needs something like this.
mod_wsgi 1.0 Release Candiate Available. mod_wsgi is shaping up to be an excellent alternative to mod_python.
Instant Django. Portable Django environment for Windows, no installation required. Can also be run from a USB thumb drive.
Django Master Class. Notes and slides from the OSCON tutorial I gave yesterday with Jacob Kaplan-Moss and Jeremy Dunck.
Undelete in Django. Inspired by the conversation about undo the other day, Nathan Ostgard created a simple solution based around custom managers and a trashed_at model field.
Seasoning Templates. “Designing a template language is a lot like seasoning a dish; there’s a whole range of tastes out there.”
Logic in Templates. I don’t think it would hurt Django to have a bit more support for conditional logic in templates, but I wouldn’t go as far as supporting the ability to call Python functions directly.
A Recipe for OpenID-Enabling Your Site. Detailed guide to setting your site up as an OpenID consumer from Plaxo, who just launched their OpenID implementation. It basically describes the design I’m using for the next release of django-openid.
Never use a warning when you mean undo. The abundance of “undo” is one of my favourite things about Gmail. I wonder if there’s anything Django could do to make implementing undo functionality easier...
A great two years. The first public release of Django was tagged in Subversion two years ago today.
Partial OpenID provider implementation from idproxy.net. It’ll take a while to package up provider support for django-openid, but in the meantime here’s some partial, incomplete, poorly documented example code ripped from idproxy.net. Hopefully this will give people trying to figure out the JanRain Python library a bit of a leg up.
PyCon UK 2007. The weekend of the 8th and 9th of September, currently accepting talk submissions. I’ll be running a Django tutorial session.
Interview with Leah Culver: The Making of Pownce. Django + Perlbal + S3 + AIR.
The Django Web Application Framework. I’m slowly pushing my presentations from the past couple of years up to Slideshare. This is a Django talk from April 2006, so it’s a little out of date.
UnicodeBranch: Porting Applications. A checklist for porting Django applications to handle the new unicode changes. If your application only handles ASCII text at the moment you shouldn’t have to change a thing.
Unicode data in Django. Documentation for Django’s new unicode support.
Django changeset 5609. “Merged Unicode branch into trunk. This should be fully backwards compatible for all practical purposes.”
I can't say enough good things about Django. Professionally, it was one of the best technical decisions that I got to make early on at Tabblo.
Gmail and Django. I’d never considered using Gmail to send e-mail from applications, but it could be a useful way of avoiding having outbound e-mail falsely flagged as spam.
Django status update: June 26. Outstanding detailed overview of recent happenings in the Django community, courtesy of Clint Ecker.
Django-fr. Community site for French language Django developers. They’ve already made a promising start on translating the documentation.
Washington Post and Facebook. Deryck Hodge on hacking against Facebook API using Django.
Doing Local Right. The slides from my presentation at @media 2007.
Deploying a Django app on the desktop. Silver Stripe used cx_freeze to package their commercial agile project management Django application as an easy to run Windows executable.